Bird Board

A Rarity and Southwest Florida Eagles

Birdwatching news from all over-
For those of us who tend to prioritize photographing avian subjects, rather than merely observing them(with or without binoculars or scopes) here's a piece from the NY Times featuring an especially gaudy little fella:

And while we're all limited in our sallies into the field, we can watch the eagle family in Ft Myers live and in color , or on tape for the preceding week ,on the eagle cam
There's been great drama there recently, as one of the first two eggs this season failed to hatch, and the remaining eaglet died thereafter. The parents however produced another pair of eggs which hatched in the past week, and viewers are now being treated to the goings on of the parents and the two hatchlings- a welcome diversion from the cabin fever no doubt rampant among those of us lamenting the mostly unobserved spring migration.


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